Ultra fine grain emulsion (panchromatic)

This material is designed for the production of full-colour reflection holograms using CW laser radiation in the blue (457nm - Argon laser), green (514nm - Argon laser) and red (633nm -HeNe laser). This is an ultra fine grain emulsion (see grain distribution curve on Fig.1). Due to the very small grain size emulsion is also less sensitive than fine grain emulsions, has shorte life time and the emulsion processing is more difficult.

A spectral sensitivity curve of the PFG-03C material is shown in Fig.2. Diffraction efficiency versus exposure is shown in Fig.3. The maximum diffraction efficiency in the blue region is >25% and in the green and red regions >45%.

Typical sensitivity values for PFG-03C are 2mJ/cm2 and 3mJ/cm2 for the blue and red/green regions respectively. Recommended processing is given in table1, recommended chemistry - in table2.

Figure 1-3

Recommended processing for PFG-03C

Procedure CW exposure Pulsed exposure
Exposure: 1.5 - 2.0 mJ/cm2 120-550microJ/cm2
Development/Hardening  SM-6 + Formaldehyde 37% (10 ml to 1 liter of developer) , 2 min.
Wash Water, 2 min.
Bleach PBU-Amidol   5 min.
Wash Water 5 min.
Drying in Alcohol bath 50% Isoprophyl alcohol 4min
Drying Slow Air

Recommended Chemistry for PFG-03C

SM-6 Developer PBU-Amidol Bleach
Sodium Hydroxide 12.0g Potassium Persulphate 10.0g
Methyl Phenidone 6.0g Citric Acid 50.0g
Ascorbic Acid 18g Cupric Bromide 1.0g
Sodium Phosphate (dibasic) 28.4g Potassium Bromide 20.0g
if 12H2O 71.6g Amidol 1.0g
Water to 1.0L Water to 1.0L

Chemical Formulas

Title Chemical Formula
SM-6 Sodium Hydroxide NaOH
Phenidone C6H5-C3H5N2O
Sodium Phosphate (dibasic) Na2HPO4
PBU-Amidol Potassium Persulphate K2S2O8
Citric Acid HOC(COOH)(CH2COOH)2
Cupric Bromide CuBr2
Potassium Bromide KBr
Amidol (NH2)2C6H3OH-2HCl